

Welcome to the Eugene Oregon Santa Clara Stake 5k and 1 Mile website.

We are so excited for this event and hope that you are feeling motivated too.

Remember, we are all daughters of a loving Father in Heaven. He loves us and wants us to succeed. He celebrates all of your accomplishments, in life or on the race course, and you should too. And when life gets hard or at mile 2.3 you get tired, our savior will help you through. You can do it.

This should be a fun event, lets accomplish things together.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Come join us.

Come join us on May 10th 2014 as we walk and run a 5k or 1mile. 

You never walk alone because we walk together as sisters in the relief society and the Lord has told us "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." 

We can accomplish hard things together.